- Explain the principles and foundations of Islamic finance.
- Understand the prohibition of Riba (usury) and Gharar (excessive uncertainty).
- Describe the concept of Halal and Haram in financial transactions.
- Explore the role of ethics and social responsibility in Islamic finance.
- Comprehend the differences between conventional and Islamic finance systems.
- Interpret the importance of risk-sharing and profit-and-loss-sharing.
- Ensure compliance with Sharia principles in financial transactions.
- Evaluate the permissibility of financial products and practices.
- Assess the role of Sharia boards and scholars in Islamic finance.
- Analyze the process of Sharia auditing and compliance verification.
- Understand the concept of Takaful (Islamic insurance).
- Apply ethical guidelines in financial decision-making.
- Explore the functions and operations of Islamic banks.
- Understand the principles of Mudarabah and Musharakah.
- Evaluate the concept of Islamic investment funds.
- Analyze the structure of Sukuk (Islamic bonds).
- Interpret the role of Islamic financial institutions in global finance.
- Compare and contrast conventional and Islamic banking systems.
- Identify and manage risks in Islamic finance.
- Apply risk mitigation strategies in Islamic financial products.
- Assess liquidity risk and market risk in Islamic banking.
- Analyze the concept of Wa’d (promise) and Kafalah (guarantee) in risk management.
- Understand the importance of credit risk assessment in Islamic finance.
- Develop risk-sharing mechanisms in accordance with Sharia principles.
- Explore various Islamic financial products and contracts.
- Analyze Murabaha, Ijarah, and Istisna contracts.
- Understand the mechanics of Salam and Istijrar transactions.
- Evaluate the concept of Wakalah and Waqf (endowment) in Islamic finance.
- Interpret the role of Tawarruq and Commodity Murabaha in Islamic banking.
- Develop proficiency in designing Sharia-compliant financial products.
- Comprehend the structure and elements of Islamic contracts.
- Analyze Aqd (contract) and its essentials in Islamic finance.
- Explore the concept of Ta’awun (cooperation) in contracts.
- Understand the implications of conditions and stipulations in Islamic contracts.
- Apply the rules of contract termination and dissolution in Islamic finance.
- Evaluate the role of Aqd in risk-sharing and profit distribution.