- Defining the Program Management Office
- PMO in Project and Business Environments.
- Benefits of a PMO.
- PMO Activities.
- Justifying The Program Management Office
- Justification Method.
- Cost-Benefit Analysis.
- The Program Management Office in the Organization
- The Functional Organization.
- The Projectized Organization.
- The Matrix Organization.
- PMO Capability Level.
- Customer Management.
- The PMO’s Customers.
- Customer-Centric Approach for the PMO.
- The PMO’s CRM Activities.
- Performance Measure for Customer Relationship.
- Aim for Excellent Customer Management.
- Vendor Management
- The PMO’s Vendor Management Tasks.
- Communications Management
- The Concept of Communications Management
- Communication Channels.
- Communications Audience.
- The PMO’s Communication Roles.
- Project Office Management.
- Project Governance.
- Project Planning and Milestone Delivery.
- Project Administration.
- Project Knowledge Management.
- What Is Knowledge Management?
- Advantages for the Organization.
- The PMO’s Knowledge Management Roles.
- Implementing the Knowledge Management System.
- Project Management Training
- Reasons for Training
- Developing a Training Program That Works
- Project Resource Management
- The PMO’s Resource Management Role.
- Resource Scheduling
- Project Selection.
- How to Select the Projects.
- The Basic Types of a Project Selection Model.
- Establishing the Project Selection Model.
- Controlling Project Progress.
- Why Use a Gateway Review?
- The Different Stages in the Gateway Review.
- Program Monitoring and Control.
- The Monitoring Process.
- Program Status Reporting.
- Program Control.
- Project Audit
- The PMO’s Role in Project Audit
- Project Audit Methodology
- Systems To Drive The PMO
- Introducing the New System
- Integrating the Disparate Systems
- Getting the Desired System
- Establishing A PMO
- The PMO Charter
- Determining PMO Staffing
- Implementing A PMO
- Implementing a Lasting Transformation
- Dealing with Change in Integrating the PMO
- Integrating the PMO into the Organization
- Monitoring PMO Performance
- Key Performance Indicators
- Leadership In A PMO
- The Role of a Leader
- PMO Manager Versus Project Manager
- Preparing Data on Project Level.
- Preparing Data on PMO Level.
- Inserting a Pivot Table.
- Inserting a Slicer.
- Formatting Data Bars and Icon Sets.
- Inserting a Stacked Bar Graph.
- Inserting a Pie Chart.
- Finalizing the dashboard